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InnovationWe are creative researchers and developers of efficient and (cost) effective answers to new questions

Innovation is an important and logical pillar of Infram Hydren. Because if you want to work on future-oriented solutions, you have to explore, research and develop. We know what is involved in taking ideas beyond the drawing board. We have a great deal of experience in developing innovations ourselves. In addition, we help companies that (want to) develop innovations within hydraulic engineering.

An example of an innovation that we have developed in recent years is the sod pulling device. This sod pulling device makes examining grass strength more accurate and easier. In addition, Infram Hydren has developed an innovative laser measurement system that can be used to measure wave run-up and wave overtopping during high water. Infram Hydren also conducts innovative research: for example, we investigated the resistance to wave overtopping of a dike manager who walks on the dike during high water. In this way we bring the laboratory to the dike.

Our roles

  • Innovation developer
  • Consultant
  • Expert

In addition, we work (or have worked) in this field on, among other things:

  • Development of the sod pulling device
  • Research into overtopping and management
Infram Hydren is a trade name of Infram.