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Hydraulic engineeringWe dedicate ourselves to future-proof flood risk management with hydraulic engineering solutions.

For technical innovations, process improvements, planning or implementation we have broad in-house knowledge and if we do not have the knowledge, we develop it. We focus on future-proof water safety and sustainable water management.

More about hydraulic engineering

InnovationWe are creative researchers and developers of efficient and (cost) effective answers to new questions.

With knowledge, experience, tools and development power, we realize innovative ideas for hydraulic engineering products or solutions. Alone or together with our (inter)national network.

More about innovation

ResearchWith applied research we contribute to reliable assessment methodologies and calculation models.

We provide knowledge and resources for practice-oriented research. Such as the wave overtopping simulator, the sod puller and a stepped revetment. In this research we test innovations in practice and we develop new calculation rules.

More about research

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Infram Hydren is a trade name of Infram.